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Motor energy efficiency grade and energy saving calculation

Energy conservation and emission reduction is an unavoidable topic in today’s world, which affects the development of the world economy. As the focus of energy conservation and emission reduction in industrial fields. Among them, the motor system has great energy saving potential, which accounts for about 60% of the country’s electricity consumption, attracting attention from all sides.


Since July 1, 2007, the official implementation of the “small and medium-sized three-phase asynchronous motor energy efficiency limit value and energy efficiency grade” (GB 18613-2006) promulgated and implemented the national standard, which stipulates that since July 1, 2011, those energy efficiency standards can not meet the mandatory requirements of the NATIONAL standard will not continue to produce and sell products.

What is high efficiency motor

High-efficiency motors emerged during the first energy crisis in the 1970s, and their losses fell by about 20% compared with ordinary motors. Due to the continuous shortage of energy supply, the so-called ultra-high efficiency motor has appeared in recent years, and its loss is 15% ~ 20% lower than the high efficiency motor. These motors have the same power grade and installation size relationship, as well as other performance requirements as general motors.

High efficiency and energy saving motor features

1, save energy, reduce long-term operating costs, very suitable for textile, fan, water pump, compressor use, by saving electricity can recover the cost of motor purchase;

2, direct start, or speed regulation with frequency converter, can be fully replaced asynchronous motor;

3. Rare earth permanent magnet high efficiency energy-saving motor itself saves electric energy above 15℅ compared to ordinary motor;

4, the motor power factor is close to 1, improve the grid quality factor, no need to add power factor compensator;

5, the motor current is small, save the transmission and distribution capacity, prolong the overall operation life of the system;



So efficient energy-saving motor can save what, the following examples:

A certain enterprise used Y series ordinary 7.5KW motor, a total of 10 machines in the factory operate at the same time, 8 hours a day, 300 days a year. This year, the company upgraded the equipment and replaced 10 yX3-132m-4P-7.5KW motors. The power is the same, but it saves a lot of electricity.

With the same power of 7.5KW, the efficiency of ordinary Y motor is 87%, and the efficiency of efficient and energy-saving YX3 motor is 90.1%, then the whole year:

The electric quantity of y-132m-4p-7.5kw running in a year is :(7.5/0.87) *8*300=20689.6 degrees

The electric quantity of yx3-132m-4p-7.5kw running in a year is :(7.5/0.901) *8*300=19977.8 degrees

Annual electricity saving after using high efficiency energy-saving motor: 20689.6-19977.8=711.8 degrees

The company uses 10 7.5KW high-efficiency energy-saving motors, which can save 7,118 KWH of electricity a year.

As an industrial power, motor products depend on the development speed and industrial policy of the country, so how to seize the market opportunity, timely adjust the product structure, develop marketable products, choose differentiated energy-saving motor products, and closely follow the national industrial policy is the key. From a global perspective, the motor industry is developing in the direction of high efficiency and energy saving, with huge development potential. Each developed country has developed the motor energy efficiency standard. Europe and the United States and other developed countries continue to improve the motor energy efficiency admittance standards, basically all have used high-efficiency energy-saving motors, some regions have begun to use ultra-high-efficiency energy-saving motors.

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