
Shanghai HuaBin Motor co.,ltd.
HUABIN MOTOR is a professional manufacture of electric motors. Our HB brand includes: YX3, YE2, YE2, IE1, IE2, IE3, YVF2, YEJ2, YD, HBA and FTMS series of motors. HUABIN MOTOR was founded in 1997.Nowadays, we have over 200 employees. Factory has 50000 of land, including 5000 of office building and 35000 of workshop which has over 100 sets of machinery and equipment. As a modern enterprise, HUABIN MOTOR combines design, manufacture, sales and service together. Our motors have been exporting to Asia, Europe and America. It was established strong partnership with our clients. “Your demand is our standard.” We will always uphold this quality principle to manufacture better motors and find brighter solutions for our clients.
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