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Latest notice | two departments: accelerate the backward inefficient motor, increase the intensity of high efficiency and energy saving motor applications

According to the official website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the General Office of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the General Office of the State Administration for Market Regulation jointly issued a notice on the Electric Motor Energy Efficiency Improvement Plan (2021-2023). The plan proposes to carry out energy-saving transformation of stock motors.

We will encourage key industries such as iron and steel, non-ferrous metals, petrochemicals, chemicals, building materials and textiles to carry out energy-saving diagnostics on energy-using equipment, and assess the potential of advanced energy-saving technology and equipment for wider application based on their energy efficiency levels and operation and maintenance. We will guide enterprises to upgrade key energy-using equipment such as motors, give priority to high-efficiency and energy-saving motors, and speed up the elimination of backward and low-efficiency motors that do not meet the current national energy efficiency standards. Enterprises are encouraged to carry out matching energy saving transformation and operation control optimization for motor systems such as fans, pumps and compressors with low efficiency.


In addition, increase the application of high efficiency and energy saving motor. By subdividing the load characteristics and different working conditions, the motors with grade 2 energy efficiency and above are encouraged for general equipment such as fans, water pumps, compressors and machine tools. For variable load operation, promote grade 2 energy efficiency and above frequency conversion speed regulating permanent magnet motor. Low speed direct drive and high speed direct drive permanent magnet motor are encouraged for transmission system with gearbox and coupler. Vigorously develop permanent magnet external rotor electric roller, integrated screw compressor and other motor and load equipment structure integration design technology and products.The following is the full text of the notice:
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